Is peace essential for development?

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Is peace essential for development?

The pursuit of peace and the development of nations have long been intertwined. Some argue that peace is a necessary condition for economic growth, while others claim that it is only one factor among many that contribute to development. In this article, we will examine the relationship between peace and development, and determine whether or not peace is essential for development.

Peace and Economic Growth

One of the key arguments in favor of peace is its potential to contribute to economic growth. According to research by the World Bank, countries that have experienced long periods of political stability and reduced levels of violence tend to have higher levels of economic growth than those that do not. This is because businesses are more likely to invest in a stable environment, and individuals are more likely to be productive when they feel safe and secure.

On the other hand, violent conflicts can have a devastating effect on economies. The cost of war includes lost productivity, damaged infrastructure, and reduced access to resources. In addition, violence often leads to displacement of people, which can further hinder economic growth by disrupting labor markets and reducing the skills available to businesses.

Peace and Human Development

Another argument in favor of peace is its potential to contribute to human development. Peaceful societies tend to have higher levels of education, healthcare, and access to basic services like clean water and sanitation. This is because these resources are more likely to be invested in by governments and non-governmental organizations when there is a stable political environment.

On the other hand, violent conflicts often lead to a breakdown in social order, which can result in reduced access to these essential services. In addition, violence can result in the displacement of people, which can further hinder human development by disrupting communities and reducing opportunities for social and economic advancement.

Peace and Political Stability

One of the key drivers of peace is political stability. Countries that have stable governments and institutions tend to be more peaceful than those that do not. This is because political stability provides a framework for resolving conflicts peacefully, rather than resorting to violence. In addition, stable societies are more likely to have strong social norms and values that promote cooperation and mutual respect.

On the other hand, countries with unstable governments and institutions are often more prone to violent conflict. This can be due to a lack of trust in government institutions, or to political polarization and the use of violence as a means of resolving differences. In addition, weak institutions can lead to a breakdown in social order, which can further contribute to instability and violence.

Peace and Political Stability


In conclusion, peace is an essential condition for development in both economic and human terms. While there are many factors that contribute to the pursuit of peace, political stability and reduced levels of violence are key drivers. By promoting these conditions, governments and international organizations can create an environment that fosters economic growth and human development, and helps to build stronger, more resilient societies.