What is a Unity developer build?

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What is a Unity developer build?

As a Unity developer, you may have encountered the term “Unity developer build” before. But what exactly does it mean? In this article, we will explain what a Unity developer build is, how it works, and its uses.

What is a Unity Developer Build?

A Unity developer build is a version of a game or application that is built for development purposes. It allows developers to test and debug the code, but it is not intended for distribution to the end-users. A developer build typically includes debugging tools and features such as breakpoints, inspections, and profiling, which help developers identify and fix bugs and performance issues in the code.

How does a Unity Developer Build work?

A Unity developer build is created by selecting the “Develop” build type in the Unity editor. When you select this build type, Unity generates a version of the game or application that is optimized for development purposes. This includes enabling debugging tools and features such as breakpoints, inspections, and profiling.

In addition to these features, a developer build may also include additional files and folders that are specific to the development process. For example, it may include source code files, documentation, and other assets that are not included in a release build.

What is a Unity developer build?

Uses of Unity Developer Builds

Unity developer builds have several uses for developers. The most common use is for testing and debugging the code. By running the game or application in debug mode, developers can step through the code line by line and identify issues such as bugs and performance problems.

Developer builds are also useful for profiling the game or application to identify areas where performance can be improved. For example, you can use a developer build to measure the frame rate and load times of different levels or features in the game.

In addition to testing and debugging, developer builds can also be used to create demos and prototypes of the game or application. These builds can be shared with other developers, designers, and stakeholders to get feedback and make improvements before releasing a final version.


In summary, a Unity developer build is a version of a game or application that is built for development purposes. It allows developers to test and debug the code, profile performance issues, and create demos and prototypes. If you are a Unity developer, understanding what a developer build is and how it works can help you streamline your development process and create better games and applications.